Arpeggio Suite
The challenges of Automation Industry
Power utilities’ SCADA systems normally use communication protocols that are not compatible with IoT networks.
This is one of the major challenges for the mass use of devices with low power consumption, which can be self-powered and do not depend on batteries, or even equipments that is powered only for batteries. The use of specific systems for monitoring and controlling devices, based on IoT networks, is also another barrier for adoption of such equipment by utilities.
Ideally, utility companies should be able to use their current SCADA system, without parallel systems that require training, technological evolution, and specific IT requirements.
ArpeggIO® Suite provides IoT network integration with legacy systems

IoT protocol broker
ArpeggIO is a system that works as a broker for IoT protocols, and it was initially developed to provide the integration of Rocket-1 reclosers and Floco indicators, with any utility company legacy systems.
ArpeggIO is ready to support the integration of other IoT devices, that use standard or proprietary protocols. Tell us your problem!
Main features

Protocol conversion
Converts MQTT (IoT) protocol to DNP3, IEC-61850, IEC-104, and others.

Device command
Send commands and configures Rocket-1 recloser and Floco remotely.

Connection management
Manages the device connections on the network.

Firmware updating
Manages firmware updates via bootloader.
Manage and integrate your IoT network with ArpeggIO® Suite.
Network Architecture
Logical connection of IoT network to the legacy system
ArpeggIO provides the code components for LoRaWAN networks, providing a turnkey solution, including a web interface for device management and APIs for integration. The modular architecture enables the integration of existing infrastructures.
The architecture, represented in the image, uses ArpeggIO Suite communication server, providing logical connection of IoT network with the legacy systems.
Integration layers
Harmonizing the other application layers

Integrated management of automation and protection equipments, in smart grids
Look at some ArpeggIO Suite® features. Additional details are described in the brochure.
ArpeggIO® Suite System Architecture
ArpeggIO® works as a broker of IoT protocols, in this case MQTT, for the higher-level systems.

NMS – Network Management Server
The NMS manages connections with the devices on the network
Integrated cyber security algorithms
Firmware updates via bootloader
In an eventual firmware update, the data file is loaded into the devices, and only when the file has been completely transferred, the device restarts with the new firmware, keeping the old firmware in memory, in case of failure.
Features of NMS layer for ArpeggIO® system
Support for different network connections;
Encrypted connectivity over VPN;
Connection control with different service providers, such as Everynet, Kore, Vivo, Claro, AT&T, etc.
Management of access tokens for IoT devices;
Permission to subscribe for information;
Asymmetric cryptography over TLS certification;
Authorization request for device "joining" on the network.
Package identification for firmware updates;
Control of transfer file sessions;
Class communication management;
Recognition of received files, verification and validation of network devices.
MAS – Management Application Server
MAS ensures integration between systems
SQL database
Protocol conversion
Protection logics and a simplified SCADA system.
ArpeggIO provides system integration not only by DNP3.0, but also IEC61850, IEC104, and WebServices.
Features of MAS layer – ArpeggIO®
A supervisory system applied to control centers of utilities;
Human-machine interface providing status of each monitored equipment;
Management and control of alarms and meterings;
Receiving and sending remote commands to the power grid devices.
Graphical tool for building process interfaces.
Protocol converter supporting IoT-MQTT/LoraWAN, NB-IoT, among others protocols;
Supports DNP, IEC 61850 and IEC 104 automation protocols;
Integration of IoT devices with legacy platforms.
Logic construction tool for automation of power grids;
Database for storing process events.
Integration with legacy platforms
This image is a standard SCADA screen, created from ArpeggIO Suite, with integration to a supervisory legacy platform.